Mittwoch, 18. November 2009

Study: Men Focus on Women's Breasts

Study: Men Focus on Women's Breasts

Updated: Sunday, 06 Sep 2009, 12:42 PM EDT
Published : Sunday, 06 Sep 2009, 12:29 PM EDT


(MYFOX NATIONAL) - Many women have complained that men look at their breasts instead of their eyes when they meet, and a new study seems to have proved them right.

Researchers from New Zealand’s University of Wellington found that just under half -- 47 percent -- of men first look at a woman's chest when they first meet, according to the Daily Mail .

Another third of men look at a woman's waist or hips as their "first fixations," and fewer than 20 percent look at the face.

Some believed that evolution could be behind the findings as women with larger chests and slimmer waists have higher levels of hormones and are more fertile, but the researchers said the reasons may be simpler than that.

"Men may be looking more often at the breasts because they are simply aesthetically pleasing, regardless of the size," they said.

The researchers also found that breasts are not only the first thing men look at, they also glance at them for longer than any other body part. And that may not be a bad thing for men.

A 2007 German study published in the New England Journal of Medicine stated that staring at women's breasts improved men's health. The study claimed that staring at breasts for 10 minutes a day was as healthy as going to the gym for 30 minutes daily and prolonged a man's life by five years.

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